
Our products

Get access to the never-before-seen models that have led to the top returns in public, private, endowments, foundations, and hedge funds.


Our investment model: 9Box

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Top Quartile Returns

Gain exclusive access to the investment models used by the leadership of top 5 public, private, endowment, and hedge funds to have top quartile returns.

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Historical Scenarios

We trained models from 1945 to today and found there are nine macro-economic scenarios (9Box) for the markets. For each, we've found historical returns, forecasted durations, and anticipated future trends with bubble and bear market models.

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Strategic Predictions

This model has outperformed peers for over 30 years. Leverage our confidential frameworks to anticipate upcoming market shifts and make the optimal asset allocation for each of these boxes.


An intro to 9Box

In 1980, Ibbotson-Sinquefield detailed historical returns by asset class, forming the basis for concepts like risk premiums, the efficient frontier, and diversification. As bond rates declined from 1980 to 2020, traditional diversification fell short, prompting innovations like increased leverage (e.g., All Weather) and the rise of alternatives (e.g., private equity) to meet return targets.

Today, the investment landscape is highly complex. While some alternatives have succeeded, many traditional strategies have not. With more data now available, our research shows that risk premiums perform reliably in specific economic conditions. Our product, 9box, simplifies investing by offering a portfolio for each economic paradigm based on historical risk premiums and market insights.


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